Friday 8 Nov 2019 |

The Regulatory Pilot Space for Cross Border Data Transfers – How to get Involved

Cross border transfer of data is of fundamental importance to the development of products and services that of necessity cross over borders, such as some IoT applications, and also for consolidation of back office functions for companies that operate in more than one country.  Consolidation of data in one country will make it possible for companies to devise the best offers for consumers, allowing algorithms to run over larger data sets.  Whilst in some cases there may be no reasons why companies may not transfer data, different data privacy regulations across ASEAN may cause uncertainty and make it difficult for companies to be comfortable that their projects can be developed, when there is an element of data transfer.

ASEAN Member States, regardless of their existing data privacy and cybersecurity laws, should be able to test the impact of different policy solutions on crossborder data flows in a controlled environment and for a predefined amount of time. The RPS would ensure data relating to individuals is protected appropriately and that participating organisations commit to meeting predefined standards.

The RPS can be a stepping stone towards a formal mechanism in ASEAN for cross-border data flows which, as the World Economic Forum puts it, constitute the oxygen of a digital economy — for the Internet of Things, for start-ups and for the development of 5G. The RPS will also allow Member States to evaluate different ways to address cybersecurity concerns, benefitting citizens and small and medium size enterprises, in a way that will not delay the development of the digital society.

The GSMA invites companies in the ICT sector and in other non-regulated sectors who wish to send data across borders to other ASEAN Member States to come forward with projects. Companies that are interested please email to [email protected] for more details.

Any company making an inquiry will be assured that their details will not be disclosed without their specific consent.


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