GSMA Capacity Building hosted delegates from the Republic of Indonesia Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (KOMINFO) for a study trip visit to South Korea, which ran from 15-19th of November. Led by Director General Basuki Yusuf Iskandar, the KOMINFO study group was composed of 34 staff from various departments within the Indonesian communications ministry.
This trip was a follow-up activity to the successful training courses on 5G and IoT delivered by GSMA Capacity Building to KOMINFO in Yogyakarta, Indonesia in September.
During KOMINFO’s five-day-long visit to South Korea, the group was involved in a range of workshops, bilateral meetings, industry briefings and smart city tours. These included:
- A Korea-Indonesia 5G Smart Space Collaboration Workshop, where Korean 5G industry players and KOMINFO staff exchanged their knowledge and views about potential applications for 5G and IoT. They also discussed collaborative opportunities related to the planned move of Indonesia’s capital city to the island of Borneo.
- Bilateral meetings with Korean Ministry of Science and ICT and National Agency for Administrative City Construction in the world-renowned smart city of Sejong.
- A visit to SK Telecom, Korea’s incumbent mobile operator and GSMA board member, to understand the importance of digital identity management in the 5G an
d IoT era.
- A visit to the Smart City of Busan where they were briefed on the leading smart city project known as the Eco-Digital-City project. They also learned about the G-Star International Games Exhibition, which hosts 250,000 attendees every year and showcases the latest developments in digital entertainment, including mobile gaming.
- Briefings at the highly respected Electronics and Telecommunication Research Institute (ETRI) in Daejeon.
These meetings and visits enabled KOMINFO staff to gain invaluable practical understanding of the key technical, commercial, policy and regulatory issues associated with 5G and IoT. They also gained insights into how the positive commercial and regulatory environment in South Korea has fostered the growth and take up of 5G and IoT services across industries, helping to drive economic growth.
“We have very quickly built a strong partnership with the GSMA Capacity Building programme and I would like to thank them for their help in arranging this event and our week-long study strip,” said Dr. Basuki Yusuf Iskandar, Director General at KOMINFO, during his speech at the 5G Smart Space Collaboration Workshop. ““We have already benefited from the training they have provided in Indonesia, but this event and study trip provides us with very valuable knowledge-sharing opportunities with our friends from MSIT and the broader Korean telecoms ecosystem.”
This study trip was so successful due to active cooperation and support from the GSMA Capacity Building’s academic and strategic partner Yonsei University, as well as the Korean Ministry of Science and ICT, ETRI, Samsung Electronics and SK Telecom.
Visit our website to learn more about capacity building partnerships with the GSMA.