Tuesday November 13, 2018

Reforming mobile sector taxation in Ecuador

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GSMA research shows that the mobile market in Ecuador has grown significantly over the past decade and makes an important contribution to the economy. With a population of 16.6 million, the number of mobile subscribers has grown substantially, from 6.8 million in 2008 to 11.5 million in 2018. However, the report concludes that there is still broad scope for Ecuador to increase mobile penetration, particularly through policy reform on mobile sector taxation.

A third of the population remains unconnected to a mobile network and almost 40 per cent of existing subscribers – more than 4.1 million individuals – are not connected to mobile broadband services. At present, Ecuador lags behind a number of regional peers in Latin America in terms of unique subscriber penetration and download speeds. Significant investment in mobile networks is required to improve the quality of data services and expand 4G network coverage, which would in turn help drive consumer take-up of mobile broadband services.

Update 2022Economic impact of a reduction in recurring spectrum fees (Spanish)

Reforming mobile sector taxation in Ecuador image

Relatório completo – Inglês (PDF)

Reforming mobile sector taxation in Ecuador image

Relatório completo – Espanhol (PDF)

Reforming mobile sector taxation in Ecuador image

Resumo executivo – Inglês (PDF)

Reforming mobile sector taxation in Ecuador image

Resumo executivo – Espanhol (PDF)

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