Wednesday January 11, 2023

Roadmap for a Digitalized Brazil

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In the last few years, Brazil has made significant progress on policy, positioning it at the forefront of digital development and helping it reduce inequalities in communications access. This is evidenced by the fact that 10 out of all 14 recommended proposals by the mobile industry to candidates running for the president in 2018 have been fully achieved or partially discussed in the last 4 years.

The next government should further strengthen the inclusion strategy and lead the way for the country’s economic and social development. Bringing this public policy agenda to the centre of discussions will result in greater investment and employment opportunities, an increase in GDP, and a rise in competition, innovation and development.

In order to face the challenge of expanding connectivity, it is essential for policymakers and the private sector to cooperate and work together to build affordable and sustainable infrastructure. Therefore, the telecommunications industry provides the following recommendations for expanding Brazil’s digital economy.

Roadmap for a Digitalized Brazil image


Roadmap for a Digitalized Brazil image


Roadmap for a Digitalized Brazil image


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