Tuesday February 6, 2018

GSMA LA Vision Magazine 2017 – 2018 Edition

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Welcome to the 2017-2018 edition of the GSMA Latin America Vision Magazine

The mobile industry has already connected over 5 billion unique subscribers globally, and the Latin America and Caribbean region is home to more than 450 million of these mobile subscribers. Over the past few decades, mobile has been a major driver of technological, industrial, societal and economic advances, and this impact will deepen as mobile becomes even more entrenched to our everyday lives.

Across Latin America, the move to higher-speed networks is accelerating, fueling increased adoption of smartphones and demand for data services. 4G adoption rates are now accelerating, with the rate across the region more than doubling in 2016. Looking ahead, we’ll start to see 5G deployments begin in Latin America in 2020, with 5G covering nearly half of the population by 2025.