quarta-feira julho 17, 2019

Effective Spectrum Pricing: Supporting better quality and more affordable mobile services

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To deliver affordable, widespread, quality mobile broadband services, operators require fair access to sufficient radio spectrum. Careful spectrum management is central to the digital economy. This report highlights the damage done to consumers by governments and regulators that artificially inflate spectrum prices. Put simply, higher prices are associated with more expensive, lower quality mobile broadband and irrecoverable losses in consumer welfare worth billions of dollars worldwide.

Effective Spectrum Pricing: Supporting better quality and more affordable mobile services image

Full report - English

Effective Spectrum Pricing: Supporting better quality and more affordable mobile services image

Executive summary - English

Effective Spectrum Pricing: Supporting better quality and more affordable mobile services image

Executive summary - Spanish

Effective Spectrum Pricing: Supporting better quality and more affordable mobile services image

Executive summary - French