The mobile industry is developing and preparing to deploy 5G. Thanks to technology advances in many different fields, 5G networks will be at the centre of an ecosystem that powers society’s continued digital transformation.
Over the past 30 years, the mobile industry has demonstrated its ability to transform society through 2G, 3G and 4G. 5G will build on these successes to deliver the networks and platforms to support existing and new services, with new business models and use cases that are unknown today. The GSMA expects commercial 5G networks to be widely deployed in the post-2020 period: the 5G era.
All stakeholders are working to define what 5G should be. Technically, the aspiration for 5G is to deliver 1 Gbps speeds and <10 ms latency. However, more fundamentally, the 5G era will be characterised as the age of boundless connectivity for all and intelligent automation, enriching people's lives and transforming industrial processes. 5G networks will integrate with 4G and alternative network technologies to provide pervasive connectivity in the 5G era. This will happen as advances in computation, artificial intelligence and device capabilities come to maturity.