On 9 February, as part of the Safer Internet Day celebrations, the GSMA among other MNO stakeholders including Safaricom PLC, Airtel Kenya, Telkom Kenya and Jamii Telecommunications Ltd in collaboration with Communications Authority of Kenya, launched an interactive Child Online Protection Guide under the umbrella of the GSMA #WeCare initiative.The micro-site, is aimed at providing online safety tips for children and guardians.
The launch was a demonstration of how national mobile ecosystems in collaboration with policymakers can deliver real benefits and protection for citizens. It was also a call to action for all stakeholders to join together and play their part in creating a better internet for everyone, and especially for younger users.
Speaking during a panel discussion that was broadcast live on one of the major TV stations in Kenya, Caroline Mbugua, HSC, Senior Policy Manager for Sub-Saharan Africa, emphasized the work that the GSMA continues to do with regard to child online safety. “Awareness is the first line of defense. At the GSMA, we continue to create awareness to the consumers to give people the tools to understand what a threat is online and how they can be able to safeguard themselves.” She said.
Since We Care’s launch in 2014, local mobile operators have been actively partnering with governments, regulators and NGO’s to endorse and encourage each campaign. Each solution is designed to positively impact the societies in which they operate. Critical issues addressed include; promoting digital inclusion, bolstering child protection, reducing handset theft, supporting handicapped citizens and protecting the environment.
Safer Internet Day is today celebrated in close to 130 countries around the world and the interactive Child Online Protection Guide here can be found here https://cop.ke-cirt.go.ke/