Distributed Ledger Technology Group

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The Distributed Ledger Technology Group (DLT) group develops and maintains common framework and standards; promotes dialogue, collaboration and thought leadership through its events; and drives DLT education in the telecom industry. Telco blockchain activities will include use-cases in areas such as payments, identity, wholesale settlement, supply chain, fraud and security and blockchain as a service. The group is ledger and technology platform agnostic and intends to work with varying technologies suitable for a given use case.

This group is an Industry Specification Issuing Group, operating under AA.35 governance and reporting to the Industry Specification Approving Group.​

What is DLT?

Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) refers to the technological infrastructure and protocols that allows simultaneous access, validation, and record updating in an immutable manner across a network that’s spread across multiple entities or locations. Example of DLT is Ethereum, Hyperledger, Corda, etc. DLT is a secure, robust, and immutable decentralised digital ledger of transactions enabling asset value/information storage and exchange, via business rules based autonomous transaction processing. These business rules are instantiated in the form of smart contracts and equivalent logic.

Blockchain has been used generically in the industry to capture the functions of DLT and for the DLT group activities the term may be used interchangeably with DLT. There are private/public/hybrid forms of DLTs. The latter, hybrid, is a combination of public and private which is often implemented in on-chain/off-chain constructs. Though private is most common in the enterprise and telco industry, hybrid is expected to increase in implementation.

What the DLT Group does?

Work Items and Processes

​GSMA DLT Group activities are determined by the below:

  • DLT cannot be taken as a siloed business but involves other business technology enablers;
  • Will be 80% business and 20% technology-focused;
  • The ecosystem is multi-stakeholder – includes opcos, wholesale carriers, banks, mobile players/enterprise, application providers, cloud providers; and
  • Will show demonstrable proof points to the evolving opportunities.

Work items are developed through consensus with all GSMA DLT members. Items commonly detail and promote opportunities for ecosystem organisations and bring industry collaboration for improved customer experiences. Where options are identified, DLT group details business opportunities and provides specifications along with guidance for operators on commercial rollout and adoption of DLT based technologies and services. 

What outputs does the DLT Group produce?

DLT group produces whitepapers, common specifications, reference industry implementations, open-source code, and common group collateral material.

How is Success Measured?

KPI Strategy
POCs-MVP to Business Measure transition from PoCs and/or MVPs to actual business for each use case
Standardisation Assess industry gaps in Blockchain-DLT, position GSMA as a key player for gap closure
Adoption Blockchain 3.0 Reference Architecture Measure industry adoption of GSMA Blockchain 3.0  Reference Architecture that results in sustainable business
Policy Partner Position GSMA-DLT as regulator-policy partner globally as part of ecosystem extension
Capacity Building Develop and execute webinars highlighting opportunities, lessons learned and business
How Will We Organise? DLT group activities are organised into three sub-groups:·         Technical
·         Business (Use Cases)
·         Governance & Policy

* Member Gateway, SLACK, and GitHub Channels will be available to scale our communications within these workstreams​.

How to Get Involved?

GSMA members can join monthly teleconferences and task force calls, simply ask for a copy of our virtual meeting schedule. GSMA members who would like to join the DLT Group or would like to request more information on any of the GSMA DLT Group activities, please contact us. Non GSMA members interested in joining the DLT Group should firstly Membership.

Contact us Membership

Communications including liaison statements (from external bodies) should be sent to [email protected].

Meet the DLT Leadership Team