2G/3G Sunset & VoLTE Roaming

The GSMA is creating a toolkit to address known VoLTE roaming issues and a summary of industry plans to decommission 2G/3G networks.

Although roaming traffic has substantively disappeared during the COVID-19 lockdown, our work is progressing; a VoLTE Implementation Guide is now available, as well as the latest data from operators on 2G/3G networks retiring and VoLTE Roaming. Educational material regarding VoLTE Charging Models has also been created and work is now progressing on the more complex handset testing problem.


This document provides details of commercial S8HR VoLTE roaming deployments which roaming managers may find of use as they plan and execute their first S8HR VoLTE roaming project.

Information provided includes business plan considerations, fraud system impacts, considerations on roaming support (handsets and frequencies), billing considerations, regulatory considerations and finally it includes a sample checklist/ questionnaire that can be used by both the HPMN and the VPMN to assess if the other MNOs network will support their roamers and to assist in configuration requirements.

GSMA Interoperability Testing

To further support and accelerate the roll-out of VoLTE, we offer GSMA Interoperability Testing to test networks, roaming networks and devices against the standards developed by the MNO and vendor community within the GSMA Networks Group. These standards for VoLTE implementation are laid in out in PRD IR.25.

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VoLTE Status, March 2023

Our aim

Inform & Track
Industry Ambition Progress Tracking
· Track VoLTE Roaming statuses, 2G 3G sunset plans and encountered issues
· Report progress
· Present updated VoLTE roaming map, case studies, and best practice sharing
Best Practice Sharing Solutions & Guidelines
Regulatory Support
· VoLTE implementation guide (issues encountered and how to do VoLTE roaming)
· Produce technical documents and solutions to issues
· Create & maintain a knowledge base with the latest information
· Workshops held at GSMA working group level (recorded and made available to regions)
Operator Outreach
Best Practice Sharing
· Communication made via GSMA newsletters
· Raise awareness (case studies, latest statistics)
· Highlighting risks of not implementing VoLTE Roaming

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