Powered by SA: China Mobile Smart Port MEC Security Application

Tuesday 17 Mar 2020 | 5G | Resources |

Powered by SA: China Mobile Smart Port MEC Security Application image

China Mobile, Ningbo Port, and Huawei jointly launched the “5G SA Smart PortMEC Security Application” innovation project, focusing on 5G network security protection, MEC security risk elimination, industrial internet application risk control, slicing security assurance, and data security protection.

This document outlines risks and security solutions for smart port service scenarios, providing practical guidance for large-scale 5G industrial internet security assessment and security operation and maintenance(O&M). The project has made major breakthroughs in verifying technical feasibility, exploring business expansion opportunities, and fostering the industry ecosystem. It highlights the benefits of the 5G SA network and MEC to enable industrial internet applications, while providing a valuable reference for cooperation between global operators and 5G industry ecosystem.