The EECC: Recommendations to the Co-Legislators

Thursday 16 Nov 2017 | Public Consultation Response |

The EECC: Recommendations to the Co-Legislators image

European citizens, businesses and administrations rely on mobile networks to socialise, do business, provide and access information everyday in every corner of every Member State of the Union. The social and economic activity that rides over this digital infrastructure drives economic growth, shapes future innovation and fosters more inclusive societies. As the EU colegislators prepare to engage into detailed trilogue negotiations on the proposed European Electronic Communication Code (the Code), we – the mobile industry – must express our grave concerns on the current state of discussions.

The mobile industry is ready to step up and deliver 5G and the Gigabit Society. But we can’t do it on our own. To ensure the long-term viability of 5G and the Gigabit Society it is essential that EU institutions in their reform of the telecoms regulation, act on the following considerations:


  • More certainty and predictability for spectrum licenses, including a minimum licence duration of 25 years during which spectrum is actually available, with a strong presumption of renewal
  • An efficient peer-review mechanism to spur the sharing of best practice in the areas of spectrum award design and procedures
  • Fee structures that move away from short-sighted revenue generation to ones that are reflective of efficient and effective use of spectrum, as well as coverage commitments and payment of fees synchronized with actual availability of spectrum

Mobile Network Access

  • Secure, predictable and investment friendly framework for mobile markets where investments in new networks can flourish, whilst preserving efficient competition
  • Voluntary sharing to enable competition, innovation and differentiation for the benefit of European citizens


  • Simplification and consistency of consumer rights is essential to enable innovation and facilitate trust
  • Full harmonization is essential to achieve the Digital Single Market
  • Consumers are using services not technologies – they need the same protection for similar services
  • No unjustified (re)introduction of retail prices regulation and international intra-Union communications prices regulation
  • Universal service obligations must remain a safety net for citizen

PDF Download: GSMA Recommendations Code November 2017