Mobile Connect live use cases

Wednesday 25 Apr 2018 | Publication | Resources |

Mobile Connect live use cases image

The Mobile Connect live use cases are a list of examples of how the identity solution has been deployed with various services.  Each use case harnesses one or more Mobile Connect products and provides insight into how the identity solution can serve businesses.

Fraud reduction with MC KYC Match – a Danal, Moneygram and Three collaboration (KYC)

UK operators are already billing Service Providers for attribute verification services, with a Tier 1 bank quoting ‘Tens of millions of pounds of fraud savings’ over 5 years. The market size is estimated at £30M based only on 2 products for the banking sector only. Now live with Moneygram in the UK.




Mobile Connect ensures transparent consent to direct carrier billing – Dialog’s consent server usage (Authorisation)

The implemented solution achieved 50-fold reduction in service-subscription-fraud and 30% reduction of complaints month-over-month.




France Connect access to Public services – Orange France (Authenticate Plus)

As demonstrated now in France on government services such as tax return, pension account and healthcare services. Data can be made accessible through Mobile Connect & Moi with explicit customer consent.




A Mobile Connect success story – SKT mobile banking transfer authorisation (Authenticate Plus/Authorise Plus)

The Korean Kookmin bank mobile app experienced 50% increase in transactions with the SKT solution for login and transfer authorisations. It took 83% less time for consumers to complete a transfer thanks to improved user experience.




A Mobile Connect success story – increased customer satisfaction with Turkcell (Authenticate)

97% of Mobile Connect users say they will use it again.




Password reset – Swisscom (Authenticate Plus)

Mobile Authentication reduces costs of employee access to internal applications. Several hundred thousand Swiss Francs saved by Swisscom every year using Mobile ID for employees password reset.




30€ savings per employee per year when moving from hardware token to Mobile ID.




Helping businesses verify their customer’s identity – SKT (Authenticate Plus and Attribute verification)

Service Provider adoption resulted in 27,000 SP, 650M annual transactions, 13M monthly active users.




More frequent bank log-in – Telenor Norway (Authenticate Plus / Authorise Plus) 

50% more frequent log-ins among customers who use Mobile Bank ID. This is stable over time despite sustained growth of +40% in the number of transactions. 79% of customers say service is significantly more convenient than alternatives.




Simplifying customer authentication – mPesa (Authenticate)

Mobile Connect simplifies log-in. mPesa reduced the WiFi login user flow from 8 steps of SMS OTP to 3 steps login user flow achieving an improvement of 162% in transaction volume in Q4 2016.




Mobile Connect drives registrations – Jazz Pakistan (Authenticate)

79% increase in monthly new registrations to self care portal, 147% increase in conversion rate from visitors to registered users.




Call centre log-in – Etisalat (Authenticate)

Mobile Connect reduces costs of call centres and self-care portals. Etisalat achieved 30% reduction in overall call time by a pilot through call centre efficiencies in caller verification.




Self care portal log-in – Dialog Sri Lanka

Ten-fold decrease in customer service calls relating to self-care portal access
