Inclusive Tech Lab > Biometrics
Core focus area


More than one billion people in the world lack any form of legal identification and almost half of these are living in Sub-Saharan Africa. This prevents them from accessing life-enhancing digital and financial services. There is a clear role for biometrics to bridge this gap in emerging markets, if the associated cost and technical barriers to adoption are low. This creates opportunities for digital and financial inclusion and places mobile devices at the heart of reducing existing barriers.

To address this opportunity, the GSMA Inclusive Tech Lab is working on the Biometrics for All (B4LL) project – a multimodal (fingerprint, voice and face recognition) biometric showcase that will enable digital service providers to test different biometric solutions for multiple use cases in emerging markets, in a safe environment. Initially B4LL will focus on the use of voice for authenticating customers’ identity, with fingerprint and face recognition modalities to follow soon.

The aim of the B4LL project is to highlight the advantages of using affordable biometric technologies for verification in emerging markets, promoting digital inclusion for all.