Orange Cote D’Ivoire

Orange Cote D’Ivoire

Orange Cote D’Ivoire

<p>Orange Cote D’Ivoire</p>

As part of GSMA’s Connected Women Commitment initiative, Orange Cote d’Ivoire has made a commitment to increase the proportion of women in its Orange Money customer base by 5 percentage points by 2020. Orange Cote d’Ivoire is proud to partner with GSMA Connected Women in a collective effort to connect women around the world.

Following the commitment by Orange Côte d’Ivoire to reduce the gender gap in their mobile money customer base by 2020, GSMA Connected Women went to Côte d’Ivoire to ask women about their experiences using Orange Mobile Money. Watch this video to hear the stories of women who are using mobile money to improve their lives.