Nutrition Initiative

Improve the health of 1 million mothers in 10 countries in
5 years

Côte d’Ivoire










The nutrition initiative was launched in September 2013. This 10-country initiative aims to improve the health of at least 0.5 million people by 2016, rising to 1 million by 2018, by catalysing partnerships and facilitating the development of mHealth nutrition advisory services, in the product areas of demand generation, registration and data surveillance.




  1. Create a shared value proposition between the public and private sectors, through the facilitation of a collaborative product alignment and business case development process
  2. Support the launch of mHealth nutrition services, through provision of technical assistance
  3. Advocate for mHealth nutrition advisory services, both in-country and globally, and the development of thought leadership and best practice to promote replication of services


Improved nutrition for the poor as a result of mHealth nutrition services

2017 Target

At least a 5% reduction in prevalence rates for stunting in children under-5 of target population registered for mobile advisory services (10 countries).

At least 20% of registered households that act on information and advice report to consume at least 4 food groups on a daily basis for at least 9 months of the year as a result of more diverse agricultural output, increased income and/or behaviour change in terms of nutrition (6 countries).

At least a 5% improvement in BMI of women in reproductive age registered for mobile advisor y services (10 countries).


  1. New knowledge and practices adopted by the users of mHealth nutrition advisory services

    2017 Target – at least 15% of registered active users demonstrating changes in knowledge or behaviour in relation to nutrition practices as recommended by The Lancet June 2013, in either one or several knowledge domains (10 countries):

    1. Improved maternal nutrition practices during pregnancies
    2. Infant and young child feeding practices
    3. Micro-nutrient supplementation to children at risk (i.e. Vitamin A, Zinc and ORS)

  2. Sustainable and commercially viable business models operating at scale, that deliver mHealth nutrition advisory services targeting and reaching women and children

    2017 Target – at least 7 financially sustainable mHealth services in 10 countries targeting the needs of the poor, launched by a consortium of public and private partners


  1. Improved access to relevant mHealth nutrition advisory services for poor people and community health workers

    2018 Target

    1 million beneficiaries of mobile nutrition advisory services access across Sub-Saharan Africa, 75% of which are women, and 20% of which are active on the service

    100% of the 1 million beneficiaries are registered and integrated into the national health information system

    80% of registered Community Healthcare Workers submit timely and quality data into the national health information system

  2. Launch of new and scaling of existing relevant mHealth nutrition advisory services for poor people and community health workers

    2016 Target

    A consortium of public and private, mobile and health partners agree and sign off on at least 8 country level business frameworks for a suite of mHealth services that target MNCH issues and meet the needs of the poor in each country: demand generation; registration of target populations; and data surveillance of key MNCH nutrition related indicators

  3. Development of high quality evidence of cost-effectiveness and impact mobile phone based nutrition advisory services

    2017 Target – a paper published, highlighting key lessons learnt for nutrition focused health services using the mobile delivery channel

    2018 Target – one high quality summary report of the impact evaluation finalised

  4. Development of a per country content framework for the integration of nutrition content targeting the poor into the health sector and delivered via mobile phone technology

    2017 Target – 10 in-country frameworks developed and at least 10 nutrition-sensitive content services launched


Contact us to learn more about the Mobile for Development mHealth programme and how your organisation can get involved.