Mobile for Development Utilities Focus Areas – Technology & Innovation

How mobile innovations support access to community services

Mobile technologies are increasingly becoming part of the models that Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) and Water Service Providers (WSPs) are using in their solutions and services. The factors that contribute to this are:

 Mobile Technologies

There are three types of mobile technologies the Mobile for Development Utilities team is tracking and researching:

1. Mobile Payment Technologies

Pay As You Go (PAYG) systems and innovative payments schemes enabling payment flexibility and microfinance capability for the deployment of decentralized utility systems – payment technologies include mobile money services (e.g.  M-PESA), SMS payments or airtime billing.

2. Metering and Monitoring

GSM-enabled meters allow for remote monitoring of a household or a community utility system (e.g. solar panels or water pumps supporting remote operation, improving maintenance times and improving understanding of user’s behaviour.  GSM Connectivity also allows systems to be controlled remotely, an important function of Pay As You Go systems. 

3. Mobile Platforms & Services (Voice, USSD, SMS, Application)

Mobile platforms and services leverage the pervasiveness of mobile phones in rural and underserved locations. For example, communities or utility agents within the community use mobile applications, SMS or USSD menus to report on the products systems’ status while on site. These services also create two-way communication platforms between the micro-utility and their users, enhancing consumer feedback loops and better channelling of information to local communities.


Unlocking a New Market: Ultra-Low-Cost M2M Opportunities and Barriers to a New Mobile Frontier, Nick Hughes, M-KOPA, February 2013

Sustainable Energy & Water Access through M2M Connectivity, Michael Nique and Firas Arab, GSMA , January 2013

Service over Technology: Defining the Role for Mobile in Energy Access, January 2013 MECS White Paper