Sexual Exploitation

Joining forces to combat the misuse of mobile technology to sexually exploit children

Joining forces to combat the misuse of mobile technology to sexually exploit children

The GSMA Mobile Alliance Against Child Sexual Abuse Content was founded in 2008 by an international group of mobile operators within the GSMA. This group seeks to realise the benefits of working collaboratively to make the mobile environment hostile to individuals or organisations wishing to sexually exploit children.

Through a combination of technical measures, co-operation and information sharing, the GSMA Mobile Alliance seeks to create significant barriers to the misuse of mobile networks and services for hosting, accessing or profiting from child sexual abuse content.

On behalf of the alliance and wider mobile industry, GSMA engages with international partners – including UNICEF, INHOPE and Child Helpline International – to understand the evolving crime of online child sexual exploitation and abuse. GSMA also works to promote international standards, such as the WePROTECT Model National Response framework, through its Children and Mobile Technology capacity building programme for policymakers.

Resources developed by the GSMA Mobile Alliance are made available to the wider mobile industry and, where relevant, other stakeholders.

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