// All the variables that are related to the charts // these are the colors that will be used in graphs var blue2012 = '#00A6C9'; var bluedark = '#146677'; var red2016 = '#E30613'; var darkred = '#86161d'; var green2020 = '#94C0BE'; var darkgreen = '#5e7372'; // var globa = '#E56B00'; var cis = '#F9BD00'; var mena = '#1B4F91'; var latam = '#911D63'; var apac = '#94C0BE'; var subsahara = '#17A17E'; var noam = '#00A6C9'; var europe = '#E30613'; var conn2g2016 = '#6A7216'; var conn3g2016 = '#223B5D'; var conn4g2016 = '#5E2346'; var conn5g2018 = '#fd824a'; var conn5g = '#FF6600'; var conn4g = '#911d63'; var conn3g = '#1b4f91'; var conn2g = '#a7b800'; // the bar chart data var alldata = { // over all penetration subscribers oasubscribers: { title: 'NET TOTALS - SUBSCRIBERS', yAxisLabel: 'SUBSCRIBERS IN MILLIONS', type: 'bar', typeval: 'm', labels: ['Global','APAC', 'CIS','Europe', 'Latin America', 'MENA','North America', 'Sub-Saharan Africa'], datasets: [ { label: '2018', data: [5108,2799,234,467,429,387,321,471], backgroundColor: red2016 }, { label: '2025', data: [5818,3158,242,481,497,459,345,636], backgroundColor: green2020 } ] }, // overall net totals internet users oainternetusers: { title: 'NET TOTALS - INTERNET USERS', yAxisLabel: 'INTERNET USERS IN MILLIONS', type: 'bar', typeval: 'm', labels: ['Global','APAC', 'CIS','Europe', 'Latin America', 'MENA','North America', 'Sub-Saharan Africa'], datasets: [ { label: '2018', data: [3584,1909,161,406,339,241,282,247], backgroundColor: red2016 }, { label: '2025', data: [4990,2728,212,451,436,343,326,493], backgroundColor: green2020 } ] }, // overall penetration connections oaconnections: { title: 'NET TOTALS - CONNECTIONS (excl licensed cellular IoT)', yAxisLabel: 'CONNECTIONS IN MILLIONS', type: 'bar', typeval: 'm', labels: ['Global','APAC', 'CIS','Europe', 'Latin America', 'MENA','North America', 'Sub-Saharan Africa'], datasets: [ { label: '2018', data: [7825,4238,421,676,658,639,400,791], backgroundColor: red2016 }, { label: '2025', data: [9294,5116,438,707,742,786,438,1066], backgroundColor: green2020 } ] }, // overall net totals iot connections oaiotconnections: { title: 'NET TOTALS - IOT CONNECTIONS (cellular and non-cellular)', yAxisLabel: 'IOT CONNECTIONS IN BILLIONS', type: 'bar', typeval: 'bn', labels: ['Global','APAC', 'CIS','Europe', 'Latin America', 'MENA','North America', 'Sub-Saharan Africa'], datasets: [ { label: '2018', data: [7.5,2.8,0.2,1.7,0.4,0.3,1.9,0.1], backgroundColor: red2016 }, { label: '2025', data: [25.1,10.9,0.6,4.9,1.3,1.1,5.8,0.3], backgroundColor: green2020 } ] }, // Subscribers penetration rate prsubscribers: { title: 'PENETRATION RATE - SUBSCRIBERS', yAxisLabel: '% PENETRATION OF POPULATION', typeval: '%', type: 'bar', labels: ['Global','APAC', 'CIS','Europe', 'Latin America', 'MENA','North America', 'Sub-Saharan Africa'], datasets: [ { label: '2018', data: [67,67,81,86,68,64,83,45], backgroundColor: red2016 }, { label: '2025', data: [71,72,82,88,74,69,85,51], backgroundColor: green2020 } ] }, // Internet users penetration Rate printernetusers: { title: 'PENETRATION RATE - INTERNET USERS', yAxisLabel: '% PENETRATION OF POPULATION', typeval: '%', type: 'bar', labels: ['Global','APAC', 'CIS','Europe', 'Latin America', 'MENA','North America', 'Sub-Saharan Africa'], datasets: [ { label: '2018', data: [47,46,55,74,53,40,73,24], backgroundColor: red2016 }, { label: '2025', data: [61,62,72,82,65,51,80,40], backgroundColor: green2020 } ] }, // Connections penetration Rate prconnections: { title: 'PENETRATION RATE - CONNECTIONS (excl licensed cellular IoT)', yAxisLabel: '% PENETRATION OF POPULATION', typeval: '%', type: 'bar', labels: ['Global','APAC', 'CIS','Europe', 'Latin America', 'MENA','North America', 'Sub-Saharan Africa'], datasets: [ { label: '2018', data: [102,101,145,124,104,107,103,76], backgroundColor: red2016 }, { label: '2025', data: [113,117,149,129,110,118,108,86], backgroundColor: green2020 } ] }, techmigrationGlobal: { title: 'GLOBAL', type: 'doughnut', displayAxis: 'no', typeval: '%', labels: ['2G', '3G', '4G', '5G'], datasets: [ { label: '2025', data: [4,29,53,14], backgroundColor: [conn2g, conn3g, conn4g, conn5g], borderWidth: 0 }, { label: '2018', data: [40,31,29,0], backgroundColor: [conn2g2016, conn3g2016, conn4g2016, conn5g2018], borderWidth: 0 } ] }, techmigrationNorthAmerica: { title: 'NORTH AMERICA', type: 'doughnut', typeval: '%', displayAxis: 'no', labels: ['2G', '3G', '4G', '5G'], datasets: [ { label: '2025', data: [0,3,47,49], backgroundColor: [conn2g, conn3g, conn4g, conn5g], borderWidth: 0 }, { label: '2018', data: [8,24,68,0], backgroundColor: [conn2g2016, conn3g2016, conn4g2016, conn5g2018], borderWidth: 0 } ] }, techmigrationCIS: { title: 'CIS', type: 'doughnut', typeval: '%', displayAxis: 'no', labels: ['2G', '3G', '4G', '5G'], datasets: [ { label: '2025', data: [0,32,58,10], backgroundColor: [conn2g, conn3g, conn4g, conn5g], borderWidth: 0 }, { label: '2018', data: [50,35,15,0], backgroundColor: [conn2g2016, conn3g2016, conn4g2016, conn5g2018], borderWidth: 0 } ] }, techmigrationLatinAmerica: { title: 'LATIN AMERICA', type: 'doughnut', displayAxis: 'no', typeval: '%', labels: ['2G', '3G', '4G', '5G'], datasets: [ { label: '2025', data: [5,22,66,7], backgroundColor: [conn2g, conn3g, conn4g, conn5g], borderWidth: 0 }, { label: '2018', data: [34,43,23,0], backgroundColor: [conn2g2016, conn3g2016, conn4g2016, conn5g2018], borderWidth: 0 } ] }, techmigrationSubSaharanAfrica: { title: 'SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA', type: 'doughnut', typeval: '%', displayAxis: 'no', labels: ['2G', '3G', '4G', '5G'], datasets: [ { label: '2025', data: [6,62,29,3], backgroundColor: [conn2g, conn3g, conn4g, conn5g], borderWidth: 0 }, { label: '2018', data: [60,36,4,0], backgroundColor: [conn2g2016, conn3g2016, conn4g2016, conn5g2018], borderWidth: 0 } ] }, techmigrationEurope: { title: 'EUROPE', type: 'doughnut', displayAxis: 'no', typeval: '%', labels: ['2G', '3G', '4G', '5G'], datasets: [ { label: '2025', data: [0,19,49,31], backgroundColor: [conn2g, conn3g, conn4g, conn5g], borderWidth: 0 }, { label: '2018', data: [22,37,41,0], backgroundColor: [conn2g2016, conn3g2016, conn4g2016, conn5g2018], borderWidth: 0 } ] }, techmigrationMENA: { title: 'MENA', type: 'doughnut', displayAxis: 'no', typeval: '%', labels: ['2G', '3G', '4G', '5G'], datasets: [ { label: '2025', data: [6,37,51,6], backgroundColor: [conn2g, conn3g, conn4g, conn5g], borderWidth: 0 }, { label: '2018', data: [47,45,9,0], backgroundColor: [conn2g2016, conn3g2016, conn4g2016, conn5g2018], borderWidth: 0 } ] }, techmigrationAPAC: { title: 'APAC', type: 'doughnut', typeval: '%', displayAxis: 'no', labels: ['2G', '3G', '4G', '5G'], datasets: [ { label: '2025', data: [5,24,58,13], backgroundColor: [conn2g, conn3g, conn4g, conn5g], borderWidth: 0 }, { label: '2018', data: [41,25,34,0], backgroundColor: [conn2g2016, conn3g2016, conn4g2016, conn5g2018], borderWidth: 0 } ] }, mobilegdp: { title: 'MOBILE CONTRIBUTION TO GDP', yAxisLabel: 'US$ BILLIONS', typevalbefore: '$', typeval: 'bn', type: 'bar', labels: ['Global', 'APAC' , 'Europe', 'Latin America', 'MENA' , 'North America', 'Sub-Saharan Africa' ], datasets: [ { label: '2018', data: [3600,1430,620,270,170,840,120], backgroundColor: red2016 }, { label: '2020', data: [4190,1640,740,320,190,1020,140], backgroundColor: green2020 } ] }, revgrrevenues: { title: 'REVENUE', yAxisLabel: 'US$ BILLIONS', type: 'bar', typevalbefore: '$', typeval: 'bn', labels: ['Global', 'APAC', 'CIS', 'Europe','Latin America', 'MENA','North America', 'Sub-Saharan Africa'], datasets: [ { label: '2018', data: [1033,395,23,168,68,65,272,42], backgroundColor: red2016 }, { label: '2020', data: [1138,433,23,169,75,75,315,47], backgroundColor: green2020 } ] }, revgrincrease: { title: 'REVENUE INCREASE FROM PREVIOUS YEAR', type: 'bar', splicevaincreas: "yes", labels: ['Global', 'APAC', 'CIS', 'Europe','Latin America', 'MENA','North America', 'Sub-Saharan Africa'], datasets: [ { label: '2018', data: [2,1,7,0,1,0,4,5], backgroundColor: red2016 }, { label: '2020', data: [1,1,0,0,1,3,2,2], backgroundColor: green2020 } ] }, revgrcapex: { title: 'REVENUE & CAPEX', yAxisLabel: 'US$ BILLIONS', type: 'bar', typevalbefore: '$', typeval: 'bn', spliceva: 'capex', labels:['Global', 'APAC', 'CIS', 'Europe','Latin America', 'MENA','North America', 'Sub-Saharan Africa'], datasets: [ { label: '2018 Capex', stack: 'Stack 2', data: [167,60,9,26,13,11,41,8], backgroundColor: darkred }, { label: '2018 Revenue', stack: 'Stack 2', data: [892,350,19,142,62,57,225,34], backgroundColor: red2016 }, { label: '2020 Capex', stack: 'Stack 3', data: [160,59,6,22,11,11,42,8], backgroundColor: darkgreen }, { label: '2020 Revenue', stack: 'Stack 3', data: [921,365,20,145,64,59,228,37], backgroundColor: green2020 } ], datasetsincrease: [ { label: '2018', labels:['Global', 'APAC', 'CIS', 'Europe','Latin America', 'MENA','North America', 'Sub-Saharan Africa'], data: [15,14,18,16,20,17,13,18], backgroundColor: red2016 }, { label: '2018', data: [15,14,18,16,20,17,13,18], backgroundColor: red2016 }, { label: '2020', data: [15,14,18,15,20,17,13,16], backgroundColor: green2020 } , { label: '2020', data: [15,14,18,15,20,17,13,16], backgroundColor: green2020 } ] }, mobilegdpPopup: { global: { year2018: { title: '2018', displayAxis: 'no', type: 'doughnut', typevalbefore: '$', typeval: 'bn', labels: ['Mobile ecosystem', 'Indirect', 'Productivity improvements '], datasets: [ { label: '2018', data: [1150,500,2270], backgroundColor: [conn2g, conn3g, conn4g, conn2g2016], borderWidth: 0 } ], datasetspercent: [ { label: '2018', data: [1.3,0.6,2.7], backgroundColor: [conn2g, conn3g, conn4g, conn2g2016], borderWidth: 0 } ] , datasetspercenttotal: [ { label: '2018', data: [], backgroundColor: [conn2g, conn3g, conn4g, conn2g2016], borderWidth: 0 } ] }, year2020: { title: '2020', displayAxis: 'no', type: 'doughnut', typevalbefore: '$', typeval: 'bn', labels: ['Mobile ecosystem', 'Indirect', 'Productivity improvements '], datasets: [ { label: '2020', data: [1190,520,2480], backgroundColor: [conn2g, conn3g, conn4g, conn2g2016], borderWidth: 0 } ], datasetspercent: [ { label: '2020', data: [1.4,0.6,2.8], backgroundColor: [conn2g, conn3g, conn4g, conn2g2016], borderWidth: 0 } ] , datasetspercenttotal: [ { label: '2020', data: [], backgroundColor: [conn2g, conn3g, conn4g, conn2g2016], borderWidth: 0 } ] } }, northamerica: { year2018: { title: '2018', displayAxis: 'no', type: 'doughnut', typevalbefore: '$', typeval: 'bn', labels: ['Mobile ecosystem', 'Indirect', 'Productivity improvements '], datasets: [ { label: '2018', data: [260,170,410], backgroundColor: [conn2g, conn3g, conn4g, conn2g2016], borderWidth: 0 } ] , datasetspercent: [ { label: '2018', data: [1.3,0.8,2], backgroundColor: [conn2g, conn3g, conn4g, conn2g2016], borderWidth: 0 } ] , datasetspercenttotal: [ { label: '2018', data: [], backgroundColor: [conn2g, conn3g, conn4g, conn2g2016], borderWidth: 0 } ] }, year2020: { title: '2020', displayAxis: 'no', type: 'doughnut', typevalbefore: '$', typeval: 'bn', labels: ['Mobile ecosystem', 'Indirect', 'Productivity improvements '], datasets: [ { label: '2020', data: [280,180,560], backgroundColor: [conn2g, conn3g, conn4g, conn2g2016], borderWidth: 0 } ] , datasetspercent: [ { label: '2020', data: [1.3,0.8,2.6], backgroundColor: [conn2g, conn3g, conn4g, conn2g2016], borderWidth: 0 } ] , datasetspercenttotal: [ { label: '2020', data: [], backgroundColor: [conn2g, conn3g, conn4g, conn2g2016], borderWidth: 0 } ] } }, latinamerica: { year2018: { title: '2018', displayAxis: 'no', type: 'doughnut', typevalbefore: '$', typeval: 'bn', labels: ['Mobile ecosystem', 'Indirect', 'Productivity improvements '], datasets: [ { label: '2018', data: [70,20,180], backgroundColor: [conn2g, conn3g, conn4g, conn2g2016], borderWidth: 0 } ] , datasetspercent: [ { label: '2018', data: [1.3,0.4,3.5], backgroundColor: [conn2g, conn3g, conn4g, conn2g2016], borderWidth: 0 } ] , datasetspercenttotal: [ { label: '2018', data: [], backgroundColor: [conn2g, conn3g, conn4g, conn2g2016], borderWidth: 0 } ] }, year2020: { title: '2020', displayAxis: 'no', type: 'doughnut', typevalbefore: '$', typeval: 'bn', labels: ['Mobile ecosystem', 'Indirect', 'Productivity improvements '], datasets: [ { label: '2020', data: [80,30,220], backgroundColor: [conn2g, conn3g, conn4g, conn2g2016], borderWidth: 0 } ] , datasetspercent: [ { label: '2020', data: [1.4,0.4,3.8], backgroundColor: [conn2g, conn3g, conn4g, conn2g2016], borderWidth: 0 } ] , datasetspercenttotal: [ { label: '2020', data: [], backgroundColor: [conn2g, conn3g, conn4g, conn2g2016], borderWidth: 0 } ] } }, subsaharanafrica: { year2018: { title: '2018', displayAxis: 'no', type: 'doughnut', typevalbefore: '$', typeval: 'bn', labels: ['Mobile ecosystem', 'Indirect', 'Productivity improvements '], datasets: [ { label: '2018', data: [40,10,70], backgroundColor: [conn2g, conn3g, conn4g, conn2g2016], borderWidth: 0 } ] , datasetspercent: [ { label: '2018', data: [2.7,0.8,4.7], backgroundColor: [conn2g, conn3g, conn4g, conn2g2016], borderWidth: 0 } ] , datasetspercenttotal: [ { label: '2018', data: [], backgroundColor: [conn2g, conn3g, conn4g, conn2g2016], borderWidth: 0 } ] }, year2020: { title: '2020', displayAxis: 'no', type: 'doughnut', typevalbefore: '$', typeval: 'bn', labels: ['Mobile ecosystem', 'Indirect', 'Productivity improvements '], datasets: [ { label: '2020', data: [40,10,90], backgroundColor: [conn2g, conn3g, conn4g, conn2g2016], borderWidth: 0 } ] , datasetspercent: [ { label: '2020', data: [2.6,0.7,5.3], backgroundColor: [conn2g, conn3g, conn4g, conn2g2016], borderWidth: 0 } ] , datasetspercenttotal: [ { label: '2020', data: [], backgroundColor: [conn2g, conn3g, conn4g, conn2g2016], borderWidth: 0 } ] } }, mena: { year2018: { title: '2018', displayAxis: 'no', type: 'doughnut', typevalbefore: '$', typeval: 'bn', labels: ['Mobile ecosystem', 'Indirect', 'Productivity improvements '], datasets: [ { label: '2018', data: [60,10,100], backgroundColor: [conn2g, conn3g, conn4g, conn2g2016], borderWidth: 0 } ] , datasetspercent: [ { label: '2018', data: [1.3,0.3,2.5], backgroundColor: [conn2g, conn3g, conn4g, conn2g2016], borderWidth: 0 } ] , datasetspercenttotal: [ { label: '2018', data: [4.2], backgroundColor: [conn2g, conn3g, conn4g, conn2g2016], borderWidth: 0 } ] }, year2020: { title: '2020', displayAxis: 'no', type: 'doughnut', typevalbefore: '$', typeval: 'bn', labels: ['Mobile ecosystem', 'Indirect', 'Productivity improvements '], datasets: [ { label: '2020', data: [60,10,120], backgroundColor: [conn2g, conn3g, conn4g, conn2g2016], borderWidth: 0 } ] , datasetspercent: [ { label: '2020', data: [1.2,0.3,2.7], backgroundColor: [conn2g, conn3g, conn4g, conn2g2016], borderWidth: 0 } ] , datasetspercenttotal: [ { label: '2020', data: [4.3], backgroundColor: [conn2g, conn3g, conn4g, conn2g2016], borderWidth: 0 } ] } }, europe: { year2018: { title: '2018', displayAxis: 'no', type: 'doughnut', typevalbefore: '$', typeval: 'bn', labels: ['Mobile ecosystem', 'Indirect', 'Productivity improvements '], datasets: [ { label: '2018', data: [180,100,340], backgroundColor: [conn2g, conn3g, conn4g, conn2g2016], borderWidth: 0 } ] , datasetspercent: [ { label: '2018', data: [1,0.6,1.9], backgroundColor: [conn2g, conn3g, conn4g, conn2g2016], borderWidth: 0 } ] , datasetspercenttotal: [ { label: '2018', data: [], backgroundColor: [conn2g, conn3g, conn4g, conn2g2016], borderWidth: 0 } ] }, year2020: { title: '2020', displayAxis: 'no', type: 'doughnut', typevalbefore: '$', typeval: 'bn', labels: ['Mobile ecosystem', 'Indirect', 'Productivity improvements '], datasets: [ { label: '2020', data: [190,110,440], backgroundColor: [conn2g, conn3g, conn4g, conn2g2016], borderWidth: 0 } ] , datasetspercent: [ { label: '2020', data: [1,0.6,2.3], backgroundColor: [conn2g, conn3g, conn4g, conn2g2016], borderWidth: 0 } ] , datasetspercenttotal: [ { label: '2020', data: [], backgroundColor: [conn2g, conn3g, conn4g, conn2g2016], borderWidth: 0 } ] } }, apac: { year2018: { title: '2018', displayAxis: 'no', type: 'doughnut', typevalbefore: '$', typeval: 'bn', labels: ['Mobile ecosystem', 'Indirect', 'Productivity improvements '], datasets: [ { label: '2018', data: [440,150,840], backgroundColor: [conn2g, conn3g, conn4g, conn2g2016], borderWidth: 0 } ] , datasetspercent: [ { label: '2018', data: [1.7,0.6,3.2], backgroundColor: [conn2g, conn3g, conn4g, conn2g2016], borderWidth: 0 } ] , datasetspercenttotal: [ { label: '2018', data: [5.4], backgroundColor: [conn2g, conn3g, conn4g, conn2g2016], borderWidth: 0 } ] }, year2020: { title: '2020', displayAxis: 'no', type: 'doughnut', typevalbefore: '$', typeval: 'bn', labels: ['Mobile ecosystem', 'Indirect', 'Productivity improvements '], datasets: [ { label: '2020', data: [480,170,990], backgroundColor: [conn2g, conn3g, conn4g, conn2g2016], borderWidth: 0 } ] , datasetspercent: [ { label: '2020', data: [1.6,0.5,3.3], backgroundColor: [conn2g, conn3g, conn4g, conn2g2016], borderWidth: 0 } ] , datasetspercenttotal: [ { label: '2020', data: [], backgroundColor: [conn2g, conn3g, conn4g, conn2g2016], borderWidth: 0 } ] } } } };