The GSMA Fraud Intelligence Service now includes SMS Fraud flags

International SMS Fraud is a significant challenge for operators, and so to have a single secure place where details of these incidents can be shared, is useful if SMS is to continue to be seen as an important, and reliable service for enterprise messaging.

Now mobile network operators and MVNOs are able to flag all A2P SMS fraud activity, with a view to learning from the experiences of others and developing mitigation strategies to save money and reduce reputational damage.

These features have recently been added to the GSMA Fraud Intelligence Service, which is available to GSMA Operator and Rapporteur Members. It allows users to add:

  • Attachments (including screenshots)
  • Context (e.g. content of message, location message received)
  • Associated URLs
  • Method of attack – free text with labels so easily searchable
  • And categorize the incident for the different types of SMS fraud

Find out more about the GSMA Fraud Intelligence Service and sign up to share High Risk Numbers today:

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