Do we sell too many phones? How to create more value out of fewer devices and hit net zero targets.

Do we sell too many phones? How to create more value out of fewer devices and hit net zero targets.

Start: Monday 27 February 2023 17:00

End: Monday 27 February 2023 18:00

Venue: MWC Barcelona


80% of the climate impact of a mobile phone has happened before it’s taken out of the box. This presents one of the biggest environmental impacts of the mobile industry – what to do with mobile devices? It also presents a great opportunity – to create a circular economy and turn waste into value. 


The GSMA working with a project group of 28 mobile operators from around the globe produced a vision for this circular economy for 2050 to help drive the industry towards a sustainable future. A future where devices have as long a life as possible, where they are made with 100% recyclable and recycled content using 100% renewable energy and where no device ends up as waste. 


This session which took place at MWC Barcelona 2023 covered:

  • What it means to have a sustainable mobile device 
  • How to move to a more circular economy for devices, where the impacts are minimised 
  • How manufacturers, network operators, policymakers and recyclers/ refurbishers can best collaborate to accelerate the transition 
  • Data needed for the transition, and data gaps 
Listen to the on-demand audio recording of the session here 