Elevating ESG to the Board Agenda – how do you measure impact?

Elevating ESG to the Board Agenda – how do you measure impact?

Start: Wednesday 1 March 2023 09:30

End: Wednesday 1 March 2023 10:30

Venue: MWC, Barcelona


The ESG landscape is rapidly evolving, and investors, regulators and a wide range of stakeholders are taking greater interest than ever in corporate ESG performance. There is increasing demand for evidence that sustainability strategies are aligned with the core business, and companies are expected to demonstrate how they create value for society. Board Executives, CFOs and many others, therefore, require ESG data that is decision-useful and builds recognition and trust with stakeholders.


How is the mobile industry keeping pace with these developments? What are examples of successful ESG strategies that demonstrate leadership? Can industry alignment create greater value for society and stakeholders?


This session which took place as part of MWC Barcelona 2023 covered the state of ESG in the mobile industry and the ‘ESG Metrics for Mobile‘, a first-of-its-kind mobile sector ESG reporting framework, developed alongside partners from EY, Yale Center for Business & the Environment, and 20 mobile operators representing 45% of the world’s mobile connections.


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