Tuesday June 4, 2024

Climate Disclosure Webinar Series 2024

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Mobile operators are continuing to improve on their climate disclosures with 70 mobile network operators representing over half of mobile connections globally disclosed to the Climate Disclosure Project (CDP) in 2023, compared with 67 operators in 2022. The quality of disclosures has improved, with a record 36 operators receiving a Leadership score (A or A-) in 2023. This series of webinars run with the CDP can help operators maintain this progress.

The webinars explained how to complete key parts of the questionnaire that are most relevant to the mobile industry and gave opportunities for Q&A with CDP experts.

Introduction to CDP Webinar

This webinar is for MNOs new to CDP reporting and disclosing for the first time. It covers the process of reporting to CDP and the benefits for reporting companies. It provides practical guidance on how to register on the platform and navigate a company dashboard. CDP also shared some handy hints for answering the questionnaire and improving scores.

Changes to the Questionnaire

This webinar is suitable for all audiences. It gave an overview of the main changes to the CDP Climate Change questionnaire in 2024. It gives an idea of the scope of the changes for this year’s disclosure and the main revisions and developments to look out for. This includes new sections on taxonomy and biodiversity.

Energy and Renewables

This webinar is targeted at all CDP responders. It provided helpful hints and tips on how to answer the energy section of the questionnaire including CDP’s definitions of renewable and low carbon energy. The energy questions appear in both the full and reduced versions of the CDP questionnaire and are heavily weighted in the scoring methodology.

Scope 3

This webinar supports organisations to answer the Scope 3 questions in the CDP questionnaire. This is broken down across the 15 categories of Scope 3 emissions and usually comprises approximately 70% of operator emissions. This section is heavily weighted in the CDP scoring methodology and is one of the more complex areas of the questionnaire to complete.

Nature and Biodiversity

This webinar is for all CDP responders. It provided an overview of the new emerging topic of biodiversity. The presenter discussed the new science-based targets for nature, why we need them and covered how to respond to the new CDP biodiversity module questions. The biodiversity module will not be scored in the 2023 disclosure cycle; however, operators are encouraged to consider their impacts on biodiversity and nature.

Climate Transition Plans

This webinar focused on climate transition planning. It explained how to align a business model with a world where the global average temperature does not rise above 1.5°C of pre-industrial levels and the natural ecosystem health is restored. The presentation explored what constitutes a credible climate transition plan and explained the CDP’s role in mainstreaming transition plan disclosure.