Thursday February 23, 2023

Mobile Net Zero: State of the Industry on Climate Action 2023

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This report is the third assessment the GSMA has made of the progress of the mobile industry against its ambition to be net zero by 2050.

It demonstrates how operators are working to improve energy efficiency across their footprint, transition to renewable energy and make supply chains more sustainable.

The report shows 62 operators, representing 61% of the industry by revenue and 46% by connections, have committed to science-based targets intended to rapidly reduce their direct and indirect carbon emissions by 2030; an increase of 12 operators since 2022. A large proportion of operators have also committed to net zero targets by 2050 or earlier, accounting for 39% of mobile connections and 43% of global revenue.

Sixty-seven operators, accounting for 79% of mobile revenue and 66% of global connections, disclosed to CDP – the global disclosure system – in 2022; an increase of 7 operators on the previous year. And a record 36 operators received an ‘A’ score for their disclosures, up from 22 the previous year.