Thursday June 18, 2020

Setting Climate Targets: how to apply the guidance webinars

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The GSMA, in partnership with the CDP, hosted a series of webinars across different time zones for mobile operators on how to set science-based targets (SBTs). The webinars explained how to apply the new guidance for setting SBTs aligned to the new ICT sector pathway to Net Zero carbon emissions.

Participants asked questions of both Lea Fink from CPD and Veronika Thieme from the Carbon Trust, who helped develop the ICT sector Net Zero pathway, along with Steven Moore from the GSMA. The webinars took place over three days and all the recording can be viewed below.

Tuesday 19 May 2020

Wednesday 20 May 2020

Thursday 21 May 2020

Download the slides

Further information on setting targets can be found in the Climate Action Toolkit