Tuesday October 27, 2015

Competition Policy in the Digital Age: A practical handbook

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Growing digitalisation changes the communications sector. Competition policy and lawmakers are debating how law and policy should be applied to the new business models. Meanwhile, competition authorities and regulators need to apply the existing rules, taking into account new considerations brought about by changing market dynamics.

This practical guide provides thought-leading insights into how competition policy should be applied to reflect the dynamic digital marketplace, including:

  • An overview of the competitive forces that shape the digital age and the challenges brought about for existing business models;
  • A review of the existing system of competition law and regulation and the relationship between the two; and
  • An in-depth analysis of key concepts in market definition and analysis that explain the current traditional approach to competition law and regulation, and the challenges brought about by the digital age.

The Handbook is a fully searchable reference book, with hyperlinks for ease of navigation from one topic to the next.

PDF Downloads:

Published as a companion resource, Case Studies from Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa provides an in-depth evaluation of digital markets in these regions.

(For optimal visualization, please download this PDF onto your device and view it in Adobe Acrobat Reader)

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