Competition Policy

Driving investment and innovation in competitive markets

Our mission is to promote a competition framework that can deal effectively with new and emerging challenges arising from today’s converged and dynamic digital marketplace.

Competition is the basis of any well-functioning market. When multiple providers strive to win customers, there is a built-in incentive to differentiate through innovative products, service enhancements and business models.

With the emergence of new digital technologies and the blurring of boundaries between the once-distinct sectors of telecoms and internet services, competition has increased. The changing structure of the digital economy, therefore, requires a change in the application of competition policy.

When markets are competitive, sector-specific regulation is unnecessary and should be removed. A new, improved, general competition policy framework should become the main instrument of intervention. When required, regulation should be flexible and technology-agnostic, and applicable to all competitors providing the same service. In addition, regulatory intervention, including when assessing mergers, should take full account of the benefits arising from investment and innovation.

By adopting an improved framework for competition policy, policymakers can ensure that all the actors in the digital ecosystem continue to invest, produce and innovate, creating new services and applications that generate consumer demand.


The GSMA is committed to the highest levels of compliance, including with competition law. The GSMA’s anti-trust policy can be accessed here.