Wednesday November 23, 2022

Joint Community Forum: Exploring how 5G is powering digital industries across APAC and Europe

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In this joint forum session, we bought together members of the GSMA APAC 5G Industry & IoT community, and the GSMA Digital Industries community, to exchange their experience of how 5G is powering digital transformation, the challenges, and successes, across APAC and Europe. The session was also support by 5G ACIA which include organisations of the OT and ICT industries that jointly strive to make sure that the particular interests of the industrial domain are adequately considered in 5G standardisation and regulation.

Industrial companies have been gradually progressing on digital transformation over the last few years with innovation in cloud, digital twins, IoT and AI driving new opportunities for cost saving, safety management, sustainability, and productivity.

Across the globe, ecosystem players are taking advantage of 5G private networks, which are a core enabler of these new technologies. We discussed with our speakers:

  • The status of the industrial sector and the view for the next 5 years
  • How MNOs are expanding their portfolios and support industry transformation
  • 5G network use cases in industrial enterprises
Our Speakers included: