Thursday February 22, 2024

5G Deterministic Networks for Industries Whitepaper


5G networks are beginning to enable the digital transformation of various industries, such as manufacturing, logistics and other sectors. As many use cases in these sectors place high demands on network capabilities, telecoms operators are
developing 5G networks with deterministic capabilities for latency, reliability, jitter, availability and other key parameters.

This white paper analyses the challenges of integrating 5G into vertical industries. It then describes the service and network architecture of a 5G deterministic network, and briefly introduces key technologies within a 5G deterministic network. The paper also includes several case studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of service level agreement (SLA) grading and the capabilities of a 5G deterministic network. Finally, it outlines the prospects for the development of 5G deterministic networks
in vertical industries.


Download your copy of the white paper below:

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