Mobile Connect Accelerator (MCX)
Mobile Connect Accelerator (MCX) is a cloud-based managed service, designed to help operators implement Mobile Connect in an easy and fast manner. The service circumvents the need for operators to spend time and resources finding appropriate compliant platforms by themselves.
During the GSMA Identity programme, 9 companies signed up as Mobile Connect Accelerator vendors. These companies are listed below. Further companies have been developing products the closure of the GSMA Identity programme. Mobile network operators wishing to deploy Mobile Connect technology are advised to engage directly with vendors in order to confirm that their products meet the desired requirements.
The core components of the MCX service include:
- Identity Gateway
- The entry point for the service provider to the Mobile Connect services
- An abstraction layer between the service provider and Mobile Connect services
- Exposure of the OpenID Connect Mobile Connect Profile for the service provider to call to get Mobile Connect services
- Selection of the most appropriate authenticator for the OIDC request from the service provider
- Provision of security mechanisms, like velocity throttling, SLA management etc.
- Service provider registration
- Participation in global discoverability and cross operator federation through integration with the API Exchange
- User registration and self-service portal
Each MCX vendor delivers a service that is generally compatible with the published MCX service description. Each approved vendor complies with that service description to a sufficient degree that GSMA believes it to be compliant. Nonetheless, the manner and extent to which each vendor complies may differ.
An MNO who wishes to obtain details about how each MCX vendor complies with the MCX service description can contact the vendor in which it is interested to obtain the detailed compliance statement of such vendor.
How to get started with MCX
To get started, please review the information found in the presentations or get in touch with the key contacts listed.