Monday October 14, 2019

FS.20 GPRS Tunnelling Protocol (GTP) Security

This document provides a technical background on how the GPRS Tunnelling Protocol (GTP) is used. It outlines potential attacks and exploitation possibilities and assesses the associated risk. It then presents countermeasures for Operators to protect their networks against GTP-related attacks. It needs to be read in conjunction with IR.88.

Audience: Technical security practitioner

Resource technology specifics: Core network

Resource type: Guideline

Resource enforcement: Voluntary

Resource certification type: Self-assessment

Key benefits
  • Provides a technical background on how GTP is used, introduces attacks and exploitation possibilities, and derives associated risk.
  • Presents countermeasures for Operators to protect their networks against attacks that involve GTP
  • Provides the GTP Risk Classification and recommendations for GTP firewall