Renewable Energy for 5G Europe Conference
With climate and digital policies at the very top of the European agenda and Europe aiming to become the first carbon-neutral continent by 2050, we invite you to join us at the first Renewable Energy for 5G Europe Conference to learn more about the transformative power of 5G and the interlinkage with the renewable energy sector.
The conference will focus on how mobile network operators themselves can switch entirely to renewable energy, and we will also zoom in on energy efficiency of 5G networks and their enabling potential for other industries. Do not miss this unique opportunity to discuss how to advance Europe in reaching its sustainability goals through 5G with speakers from Ericsson, Huawei, Telefónica, the European Commission, Bank of America, SmartEN and many others.
The conference is organised by the GSMA, with the support of Wind Europe and SolarPower Europe.
Follow the discussion on Twitter with #REfor5G
Programme overview
14:00 Opening by Afke Schaart, Head of Europe of the GSMA
Session 1: Energy efficiency and enablement effect of 5G networks
• Mats Pellbäck Scharp, Head of Sustainability at Ericsson
• Leon Zhang, VP 5G Product Line at Huawei
• Philip Laidler, Partner and Consulting Director at STL Partners
• Jikke Op de Weegh, Lead ACN Sustainability at KPN
• Moderator: Joop Hazenberg, GSMA
14:50 Session 2: Power Purchase Agreements, corporate sourcing and additionality of renewable energy
• Felice Simonelli, Senior Research Fellow at CEPS
• Aleksandra Klassen, Senior Impact Manager at RE100
• Richard Boydell, Senior Manager – PPA Advisory at Pexapark
• Lucy Hunt, Associate Renewable Energy at WBCSD
• Daniel A. Maniega Santana, Head of Environment at Telefónica S.A
• Moderator: Paula Abreu Marques, DG Energy, European Commission
15:40 Coffee break
16:00 Session 3: Financial incentives and investments for renewable energy for digital networks
• Abyd Karmali, Climate Finance Executive at Bank of America
• Viktoriya Kerelska, Head of Advocacy and Messaging at WindEurope
• Karoliina Loikkanen, Head of Sustainability at Nokia
• Moderator: Joop Hazenberg, GSMA
16:50 Session 4: What is the role of legislators to stimulate renewable energy in the 5G era?
• Bruce Douglas, coordinator of the RE-Source Platform
• Frauke Thies, Executive Director at SmartEN
• Mark van Stiphout, co-lead Digitalisation Taskforce at DG Energy, European Commission
• Moderator: Philip Laidler, STL Partners
17:30 Conclusions
17:40 Networking reception
Pre-event for GSMA members: Renewable Energy Buyers’ Bootcamp
Prior to the conference, the RE-Source Platform organises an educational workshop for GSMA members to discuss corporate sourcing of renewable energy and renewable energy power purchase agreements (PPAs). Clean energy providers and buyers using renewable energy will engage in peer to peer learning on topics including, but not limited to, sourcing strategies, on-site generation, financial and virtual PPAs, cross-border PPAs, Guarantees of Origin, additionality, etc. The roundtable discussions will also serve as an introduction for members not too familiar with the renewable energy business and introduce The Renewable Energy Buyers’ Toolkit.
This workshop will take place from 10:30 to 12:30, 23 January at the GSMA offices in Brussels, followed by a networking lunch. Please note that the morning programme is open to GSMA members only.