The COVID-19 pandemic has caused significant disruptions globally, affecting people’s lives, their health and safety, as well as severely interrupting business activities. The impacts are also felt far and wide across the mobile industry as 2020 was shaped to be a critical year for 5G’s commercial progress. In this unprecedented situation, people are quickly adapting to innovative ways of connecting and doing business empowered by connectivity, and digital transformation is no longer just a question but an action for many industries. This unprecedented situation is also met with unprecedented response globally where governments, health authorities and many other stakeholders have been working tirelessly together to contain and mitigate the spread and impact of COVID-19. The mobile industry is playing an important part in supporting response efforts that range from ensuring emergency communications, leveraging operator big data, to empowering telemedicine to increase capabilities and efficiencies of health services.
This collection of use cases from the COVID-19 response in China, which is jointly produced by the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT) and the GSMA, hopes to share experiences and efforts from China and to encourage global dialogues and collaboration to facilitate more effective use of mobile technologies in the global response to the COVID-19 pandemic.