Una mujer de cabello rizado está sentada en un columpio al aire libre, con una camiseta blanca sin mangas y auriculares. Sonríe y mira su teléfono. El fondo muestra vegetación con árboles y plantas difuminados.

Connectivity gaps in Latin America




Usage gap


Coverage gap

In Latin America, the same as globally, the usage gap is now the most urgent challenge for achieving universal connectivity. While the coverage gap—meaning the lack of mobile internet networks—affects 7% of the regional population (44 million people), 28% of Latin Americans (174 million) live in areas with mobile broadband coverage but still do not access the internet.

These individuals face barriers related not to the availability of services but to demand: they cannot afford a smartphone, lack digital skills, have security concerns, or do not find content of interest. By not being online, the disconnected have fewer opportunities to access essential services and fully participate in an increasingly digital world.

The following GSMA Latin America reports provide analysis and recommendations to close the connectivity gaps in the region.