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Watch the video to understand more about how the energy industry plans to halve emissions by 2030

Energy Sector

To achieve net zero by 2050 the energy sector needs to halve emissions by 2030. To achieve this, innovative approaches to manage supply and demand are needed to accelerate the transition from an energy system 84% dependent on fossil fuels, to one that runs on renewable power. Connected technology will be essential to providing the backbone infrastructure for this.

Using wireless connectivity, grids can manage the production and consumption of energy much more effectively. Connected devices across the grid can aggregate energy flows, feeding them into cloud-based platforms. By harnessing the power of AI computing in these platforms, renewable energy resources will be better managed, helping to retire fossil fuels from the existing energy mix more quickly.

46% of the cut required in carbon emissions in the energy sector by 2030 could come from the rollout of connected wind and solar energy grids. This is the equivalent to 4 gigatonnes of CO2 or decommissioning around 1000 coal-fired power plants.

Through three key steps, wireless connectivity will prove to be a key component of a system that can guarantee energy demand is always satisfied by zero-carbon sources:

  1. Maximising the lifetime power output of renewable generation assets
  2. Minimising excessive energy consumption through end-use and transmission
  3. Optimising load shifting and energy storage to align clean power supply and demand

DOWNLOAD OUR INFOGRAPHIC: Mobile Enabling Net Zero Energy

Download and view our infographic on how the energy industry is progressing towards it’s emissions target, with key statistics and facts. Read our Methodology Report for the industry.

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How Can Government Help?

The energy industry has made a strong start on the journey to halving their emissions but government policies and regulations are vital to setting the benchmark globally.

To ensure that the energy industry is able to reach its ambitious climate targets we call on governments to:

Create a level playing field on which renewable electricity competes fairly with fossil-fuel electricity...

...and reflects the cost-competitiveness of renewable electricity.

Remove regulatory barriers and implement stable frameworks...

...to facilitate the uptake of corporate renewable electricity sourcing.

Create an electricity market structure that allows for direct trade...

...between corporate buyers of all sizes and renewable electricity suppliers.

Work with utilities or electricity suppliers to provide options for corporate renewable electricity sourcing...

…And support a credible and transparent system for issuing, tracking, and certifying competitively priced Environmental Attribute Certificates (EACs).

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