Terminal Steering Group
The Terminal Steering Group (TSG) facilitates operator and vendor alignment to drive terminal* related matters for the benefit of the entire mobile ecosystem. It manages/ coordinates terminal capability requirements activities within GSMA and beyond. The group provides an environment for consensus building among members concerning the setting of frameworks and standards in respect of operational matters related to terminal matters.
The Terminal Steering Group also offers a forum for harmonising a GSMA view on terminal matters within and beyond the organisation.
Consultancy support to the Global Decimal Administrator, GDA (GSMA) in its IMEI Administration and Management functions. TSG is the TAC Allocation process owner for the GSMA IMEI database.
Key Topics
The Terminal Steering Group is currently working on the following topics:
- Device field and lab test guidelines
- Requirements for Artificial Intelligence (AI) on mobile devices
- APP ID based Network Slicing
- eSIM Test Profile for testing devices with eSIM
- IoT Device Connection Efficiency
- IoT OTA Antenna Performance Testing
- Mobile IoT device requirements and testing
- RCS Testing
- Service Entitlement Configuration
- Requirements for Devices with multiple SIM
- Operator minimum acceptance values for device antenna performance
- Smartphone user experience
- Technical Adaptation of Devices through late customisation
- Devices requirements for Ultra Wide Band use
- IMEI Allocation and Approval Process
What the Terminal Steering Group Does
- Facilitate operator and vendor alignment to drive terminal related matters for the benefit of the entire mobile ecosystem.
- Improve the features and quality of mobile services through information gathering and sharing.
- Drive mobile terminal capability requirements and develop and support key enablers
- Formulate test cases, including field tests as required, to enhance usability, security and interoperability across terminals, servers and network infrastructures. Establish liaison with other relevant industry organisations to complement and contribute to terminal related initiatives while avoiding fragmentation and duplication.
The Terminal Steering Group have four face to face meetings a year with conference calls used to progress work between physical meetings
How to Get Involved
If you would like more information on any of the Terminal Steering Group activities, please contact [email protected]. If you are interested in contributing and attending Terminal Steering Group then please contact [email protected] to become a GSMA Member. Communications including liaison statements should be sent to [email protected].