The Digital Exclusion of Women with Disabilities: A Study of Seven Low- and Middle-Income Countries

The Digital Exclusion of Women with Disabilities: A Study of Seven Low- and Middle-Income Countries image

Edit: This version of the report was revised and uploaded on 20 August 2020. Figure 2 has been corrected in the new version.

The GSMA Assistive Tech programme continues to research the mobile disability gap, and the evidence is clear – mobile access and use remains unequal.

Mobile has incredible potential to transform lives and empower people by providing a platform for sharing and accessing information, connecting to a diverse range of services and linking people across the world. However, as this report shows, certain segments of the population tend to face disproportionate barriers to adopting, using and reaping the full benefits of mobile, including persons with disabilities (PWDs) and women.

This report examines the intersection of disability and gender. The finding is clear: women with disabilities are disproportionately digitally excluded and are at risk of being left behind in our ever more digital societies.

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