GSMA response to European Commission recommendation on the approach to the security of 5G networks

The GSMA, on behalf of its European operator members, commends the Commission on its recommendation on a common EU approach to the security of 5G networks

Mobile network operators place paramount importance on ensuring the security of networks at the heart of Europe’s digital market, and the digitalisation of its society and economy.

We welcome the European Commission’s ambitions to strengthen Europe’s critical digital infrastructure through a common EU approach to the security of 5G networks so to avoid fragmentation, and ensure a proportionate and coherent approach to this important issue.

As we stated last month, the GSMA believes that governments and European mobile operators need to work together to maintain confidence in network security while ensuring competition in the supply of network equipment. (

The GSMA, with and on behalf of its European operator members, stands ready to support the EU institutions and Member States in developing a risk-based, EU-wide security assurance regime.