GSMA Industry Services

Industry Services 

Solving current challenges for businesses in connectivity

Data, resources and tools that improve and support global connectivity by underpinning important interoperable backend functions and addressing the problems GSMA Working Groups have identified. 

Device Services

Provide essential insights to improve business performance and the customer experience, as well as safeguard your business, based on our device data. Also includes TAC allocation for all connected industries. 

Explore Device Services

Network Services 

Driving the reliability, quality and sustainability of global networks for the 5G era, through solutions that enable better collaboration between businesses in the ecosystem.

Explore Network Services

Assurance Services 

Ensuring mobile security products and their suppliers reach rigorous industry standards. Bringing more resilience to mobile networks and devices, as well as raising the confidence of customers and the ecosystem. 

Explore Assurance Services

How our services link to today’s key themes


Includes enabling operators to identify specific IoT devices on their networks and IoT trials in new areas within B2B IoT. 

GSMA Device attribute data
GSMA eSIM Discovery
GSMA eUICC Identity Scheme
GSMA eUICC Security Accreditation

Circular economy 

From checking a device’s status and trade-in value before recycling it, to reusing and refurbishing network equipment. 

GSMA Device Check
GSMA Device Compatibility
GSMA Equipment Marketplace

Fraud prevention 

Preventing specific fraud issues within the connectivity ecosystem, such as International Revenue Share Fraud (IRSF) and the sale of fraudulent devices. 

GSMA IRSF Prevention
GSMA Call Check
GSMA Device Registry
GSMA Device Check

Upcoming events


The latest on our products, including GSMA Working Group PRDs and events  

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Register your interest

Please get in touch if you need more information, would like to book a meeting, have a product demo or want to talk to us about your particular use case.