Transport Sector

The transport sector is a key challenge on the journey to net zero. Moving towards a sustainable model for transport systems and having a more connected society that can travel less is imperative.

The GSMA estimates investment in the digital infrastructure to support more sustainable travel could save 2.8 gigatonnes of CO2 by 2030. These savings could be realised within just four areas: connecting electric vehicles, routing and fleet management of heavy goods vehicles and commercial shipping, as well as working from home That is equivalent to 65% of the 4.4 gigatonnes of CO2 reduction required across transport to be on a path to net zero by 2050.

This reduction could be made through the following examples:

Download our infographic: Mobile Enabling Net Zero Transport 

Download and view our infographic on how the transport industry is progressing towards its emissions target, with key statistics and facts. Read our Methodology Report for the industry.

transport cargo
Port of Livorno case study
Rail cargo group case study

How Can Government Help?

The transport industry has big challenges to reduce emissions and government policies and regulations are important to accelerate the low carbon transition.

To ensure that the transport industry is able to reach ambitious climate targets we call on governments to:


Methodology report

Connected Transport