Wave Money

Wave Money

As part of the GSMA’s Connected Women Commitment Initiative, Wave Money has committed to continue empowering women in Myanmar by extending their Commitment to increase the proportion of women in their mobile money customer base.

Wave Money is the leading mobile financial services provider operating with over 54,000 Wave shops across all 14 states of Myanmar, covering over 89% of the country and a customer base of more than 35 million. They have a footprint in 85% of rural areas including very remote locations of the country. This has allowed customers to move money from and to almost any place in Myanmar. Remittance (cash in – cash out) service remains one of Wave Money’s leading products but a key contributor to growth is their mobile wallet, WavePay application, which can be used not only to send and receive money but also to buy airtime, settle utility bills and for merchant payments as well as to donate.

Equity lives in our DNA

Wave Money continues its commitment to bring more equity to the communities enabling them to get connected with financial technology. Acting inclusively and respecting diversity is part of the core value of Wave Money which is deeply rooted in the DNA of every employee in the organisation. In Wave Money, more women participation in the workforce and leadership is the main driver of innovation. It paves the way for women-led and people-centric workplace culture, and advanced financial inclusion especially among the unbanked population.

“One of the really interesting insights of Myanmar as a country is that senior women in a household tend to run the money. We want to introduce more women to our digital product.”

– Brad Jones, CEO of Wave Money

Wave Money in partnership with MYANWEN and the GSMA

An MOU Signing Ceremony of a tri-party agreement took place between Myanmar Women Entrepreneurs Network (MYANWEN), the GSMA and Wave Money to further identify scalable approaches to accelerate digital and financial inclusion for female micro-entrepreneurs. With the vision of  MYANWEN to support the socio-economic development of Myanmar by providing guidance to women-led businesses and high-achieving Myanmar women entrepreneurs, this partnership will reinforce women’s access to various financial institutions.

As a Commitment Partner of the GSMA Connected Women Commitment Initiative, Wave Money will be empowering women micro-entrepreneurs, women agents and driving gender equality in low and middle-income households.

These collaborations embody Wave Money’s dedication to driving economic empowerment and gender equality, and to ultimately bring positive social impact and enhance capacity among women in terms of entrepreneurship and effective financial management.

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