Monday April 29, 2024

Language and Digital Humanitarian Action: The state of inclusion and exclusion for marginalised language speakers in digital humanitarian services

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This report highlights the language limitations of most digital humanitarian services, leaving millions of crisis-affected individuals excluded. It demonstrates the demand to make services available in the language that people need. The research spotlights two digital platforms – Mobile Vaani and Loop – making strides towards inclusion for marginalised language speakers.

The irony of only publishing this report in English, the world’s most powerful language, is not lost on the research team. We aim to republish in additional languages in the future, but recognise they are likely to also be globally powerful languages, excluding marginalised speakers.

As part of the wider research, CLEAR Global have also published a brief that proposes a collective approach to language technology development. Click here to find out more. And read Matthew Downer’s blog “Money talks: Mobile money, marginalised language speakers and humanitarian assistance”.

Language and Digital Humanitarian Action: The state of inclusion and exclusion for marginalised language speakers in digital humanitarian services image

Language and Digital Humanitarian Action Report

Language and Digital Humanitarian Action: The state of inclusion and exclusion for marginalised language speakers in digital humanitarian services image

Case Study: Talk to Loop

Language and Digital Humanitarian Action: The state of inclusion and exclusion for marginalised language speakers in digital humanitarian services image

Case Study: Mobile Vaani

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