EMF and Health

Mobile network antennas and mobile devices exchange digital information (e.g., voice or data) using radio waves – a form of electromagnetic energy.

As a result of the work of researchers for more than 50 years, human exposure standards and safety measures have been developed that protect against all established health risks from exposure to radio signals from mobile network antennas and mobile devices.

To date no health risks have been established from exposure to the low-level radio signals used for mobile communications. These findings are supported by expert groups, public health agencies and the World Health Organisation (WHO).

Top resources

EMF policy map

This map shows the effective radiofrequency exposure limits applicable to mobile phones and networks.

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5G EMF surveys

This map shows the results from testing on commercial and test networks to determine 5G EMF exposure levels.

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ICNIRP guidelines

This report explains the RF-EMF exposure guidelines published by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP).

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EMF exposure compliance policies for mobile networks

This document sets out good practice policies for the efficient assessment and management of RF-EMF exposure compliance for mobile network sites.

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Understanding 5G: a guide for local communities

This guide provides an overview of 5G mobile technology, including fact-based answers to frequent questions posed by decision-makers and the public.

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5G, IoT and wearable devices

This report looks at what the new uses of wireless technologies, such as IoT and wearable devices, mean for radio frequency exposure.

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EMF Forum

Every year, the GSMA brings together policymakers, EMF experts and industry leaders from around the world to exchange views on the latest scientific research, policy developments and the future of EMF policy harmonisation.