Telecommunication engineer installing new 4g, 5g LTE antenna on tall mobile base station in forest. Working at height. Drone point of view.

GSMA Equipment Marketplace

Reach your financial targets and environmental goals faster by reusing, reselling and recycling network assets.

What is GSMA Equipment Marketplace?

It’s the first global digital marketplace for sourcing and reselling pre-owned network equipment – bringing together buyers and sellers from the telecommunication ecosystem.

Reuse, resell, recycle and buy

Reuse is at the core of the service, as it’s the most efficient way to source hardware. We help you to reuse as much of your own equipment as possible within your wider group, before buying externally – refurbishing and testing your hardware so it’s as good as new.

Resell what your business doesn’t need – the global online marketplace connects you to a buyer with demand for the asset.

Recycle any asset that can’t be reused – we make sure nothing goes into landfill.

Buy externally through the marketplace – all equipment is refurbished and tested by our experts, giving it a 2-year warranty.

Why is it important for your business?

Find out the many financial and environmental benefits this service offers.


Create revenue 

Monetise your unused or redundant assets and optimise ROI. 


Clear warehouses

Reduce equipment depreciation, aged stock and liabilities.


Cost avoidance

Reuse your own equipment where possible and save money compared to buying new.


Avoid carbon emissions 

Reduce your carbon footprint, put nothing in landfill and save rare earth metals.


More efficient asset management  

Gain real-time visibility of your global inventory, so you know what’s needed where and when.


Meet ESG targets  

An actionable way of contributing towards the mobile industry’s ambition to be net zero by 2050.

The 2-year warranty

All products offered for sale through the GSMA Equipment Marketplace are refurbished and tested with a 2-year warranty. The contracting, pricing and product warranties are managed by our partner, Shields.

Past experience and customer feedback shows the warranty return rate and out-of-the-box failure rate is 0.4% vs 2% for new equipment – as the equipment has already been stress tested on a network.

The testing service includes:

  • Visual test
  • Power-on test
  • Login test
  • Full diagnostic test

Practical examples of what it can do

Find out how GSMA Equipment Marketplace can solve the many challenges of aging, unused and decommissioned network assets.


The latest on our products, including GSMA Working Group PRDs and events.

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Further information and insights in the form of blogs, case studies and whitepapers.


What is the role of Shields?

The contracting, pricing and product warranties are managed by our partner Shields.

Plus, they deal with the fulfilment and logistics, including decommissioning, commissioning and the shipment of products. They are highly skilled in this area – their expert engineering team has experience across multiple OEMs and technology domains.

What’s the buyer process?

Once a buyer has completed an RFQ (Request for Quotation) within the platform, Shields will provide a quote within 96 hours – when all supply options and multiple data points have been assessed.

Shields then arrive at a ‘fair market value’ (FMV) quote, i.e. the price on the market today for the refurbished asset – this is typically 60% less than the price of buying newly manufactured equipment.

Buyers can then signal to accept, reject or negotiate once they receive the fair market value quote within the platform.

Will it fit into my existing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system?

GSMA Equipment Marketplace is designed to complement your underlying supplier arrangements and ERP systems. You can either use the online version or directly integrate to your ERP systems using our APIs.

Stakeholder engagement – how to work with us

GSMA Equipment Marketplace is designed to be an inclusive and interoperable platform for all stakeholders in the telecommunication ecosystem. As the GSMA Equipment Marketplace develops, the GSMA continues to engage with the industry and explore ways to facilitate the involvement of all interested stakeholders, including operators, manufacturers, brokers, agents, vendors and asset manager etc.  If you would like to be involved in helping to shape the future of the circular economy, please reach out to us at [email protected].