Tuesday February 14, 2023

Landscape Whitepaper on UAS Cellular Ecosystem

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The cellular ecosystem for Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) market is still in its infancy. The main actors involved in this ecosystem are the UAS platform providers, MNOs providing communication services to UAS operators and government authorities responsible for regulating drone operations.

This whitepaper discusses all aspects of the ecosystem for UAS Voice Relay and data information exchange, including MNOs, C2 Service Providers, UAV onboard components, Remote Pilot Stations, UTM and the relevant ground infrastructures. While primarily focusing on MNOs and cellular connectivity, the paper also leaves the opportunity to consider additional types of connectivity, i.e., satellite.

Detailing the exhaustive set of entities involved in cellular communications for UAS and their interrelations between each other will further support the Aerial Connectivity Joint Activity (ACJA) group to coordinate their activities and harmonise the common terminologies used.

The Landscape Whitepaper on UAS Cellular Ecosystem was created by the ACJA. The ACJA’s aim is to promote the exchange of knowledge between the aviation and cellular communities, and to synchronise contributions between the existing Standard Development Organisations (SDOs) of each community in order to avoid incompatibilities between them. Find out more here.