Friday September 22, 2017

LTE-M Deployment Guide

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LTE-M (LTE-MTC low power wide area (LPWA)) is a new cellular radio access technology specified by 3GPP in Release 13 to address the fast-expanding market for low power wide area connectivity. To achieve global coverage and wide adoption of LTE-M services, MNOs (mobile network operator) must ensure that devices and end-to-end services from various providers will connect to the LTE-M systems that have been deployed, and that the data transport capability and connection modes are well understood.

This document contains non-binding guidelines designed to help MNOs deploying LTE-M networks and devices globally to ensure interoperability and smooth roaming. It identifies a minimum set of key features, details key configurations and considerations for deployments in 2017 and 2018. The recommendations have been developed by the members of the GSMA LTE-M Task Force, based on the survey inputs provided to the GSMA by ten MNOs who are deploying LTE-M networks in North America, Canada, Latin America, Europe and parts of Asia.

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