Number Verify
Number Verify provides strong authentication with a superior user experience
SIM-based authentication
Number Verify provides strong authentication with a superior user experience using the SIM card in every mobile phone. It provides secure, reliable, and seamless SIM-based verification, removing unnecessary steps to access services. Since it’s built on one of the world’s most widely used and universally owned technologies, it’s readily accessible to almost everyone.
The technology
Use cases
Available here
Number Verify features
Cryptographically secure
SIM-based cryptography bound to the mobile number
Superior user experience
Fast authentication, invisible to the user
Phishing resistant
No account takeovers caused to phished credentials
Device-based possession factor
Mobile device as a strong and secure possession factor
Simple integration via API
Build and integrate at speed
Global coverage
Over 3 billion mobile users enabled
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Contact us
Other companies may also offer this service. If you notice any error or omission, or for more information please contact us at [email protected]