5G Developer Labs
5G Developer Labs
Bringing together developers, operators, platform providers and the broader ecosystem to transform MEC Services and create the level of commonality required to achieve global, interoperable scale |
What are 5G Developer Labs, and how will you benefit from attending?
We want to hear from Developers about the challenges they face in creating MEC applications at scale, the requirements they would have from operators to do this today, and a wish list of what they want to see going into the 5G Era.
The GSMA will facilitate this discussion, with our global member Operators, to ensure a common consensus.
5G Developer Labs kicked off in January 2020, and more labs are planned for strategic locations globally to ensure we hear from as many developers, verticals and operators as we can.
Networking is a significant part of the Lab series, and attendees have made meaningful business connections at our Labs.
Future Labs
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