Monday February 10, 2020

From Vertical Industry Requirements to Network Slice Characteristics

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Network Slicing is set to be a prominent feature of 5G to allow connectivity and data processing tailored to specific customers’ requirements. Mobile
communications provided by smart networks will enhance the efficiency and productivity of business processes and will open up opportunities for operators to address the Business-to-Business segment more effectively. This paper proposes the adoption of a Generic Slice Template (GST) that defines a set of common slice attributes the industry can use on which to base the description of a network slice type. These attributes can be used by vendors, mobile network operators and slice customers, in addition to other proprietary attributes if custom slices are desired. By filling the GST with values for all or a subset of the attributes concrete slices can be described. A GST filled with values is called the Network Slice Type (NEST), which serves many purposes:

  •  Vendors can use a NEST to define the features of their products
  • Vertical Industry customers (slice customers) can use a NEST as a reference to understand the contractual agreements with the network operator
  • Network operators (slice provider) can use a NEST with their roaming partners facilitating the definition of network slices in roaming agreements.

This document aims to describe the concept of the GST and NEST and how they are used to create commercial slice deployments. The following basic assumptions and definitions must be understood and agreed within the whole network slicing eco-system in order to guarantee global and high quality service availability.