Managing and optimising the interconnection between edge nodes on different networks plays a critical role for the efficient operation of MEC enabled applications, where the application users will inevitably connect and interact over different networks.
Deutsche Telekom, Telefónica, and MobiledgeX set out to address this challenge. In a Telco Edge Cloud trial, they successfully demonstrated the capability to manage end-to-end latency in distributed telco edge cloud computing resources interconnected via Quality of Service (QoS) optimised operator networks.
Using the MobiledgeX Edge-Cloud platform to provide unified access to Telefonica and Deutsche Telekom’s telco edge cloud resources, trial partner Continental was able to easily deploy their service and run it with the stable and predictable latency required for efficient operation and for an outstanding user experience.
The trial is an industry-first demonstration of a managed interconnection of the telco edge cloud assets of two operators at one location to enable an optimised user experience for a specific use case.
The application backend was deployed in the cloudlets of Deutsche Telekom and Telefonica to serve each operator’s customers respectively. Both instances were interconnected based on a managed connection using the industry standardised IPX network (IP Exchange). This interconnection was configured to ensure low latency and reduced jitter, thereby preserving the edge service interconnection from congestion or traffic peaks.
Continental’s Collision Warning Use Case
Continental, provides intelligent solutions to their customers for connected and smart mobility. They demand reliable state-of-the-art solutions not only for their services today but also for future scenarios around autonomous mobility.
Intelligent transport services hinge on the efficient, reliable, and real-time distribution of data between vehicles, vulnerable road users, road infrastructure and applications. One specific challenge relates to the everyday situation where road users are connected to edge clouds on different operator networks. What is required is a reliable and optimised end to end low latency to enable this service.
Dr. Snigdhayan Mahanta, Product Owner (Cloud Technologies and Solutions), Automotive Technologies from Continental Automotive shared “We are excited to team up with Deutsche Telekom and Telefónica and Edge Computing management specialist MobiledgeX to show the value of optimised latency by demonstrating how MEC makes a difference for reliable collision avoiding solutions. Smart Mobility solutions from Continental require reliable and predictable low latency to ensure safe and efficient operation on MEC infrastructure in real-world scenarios. In this trial, we have built a future-proof setup to support our low latency requirements for a smart mobility service. And we are excited that we achieved in this trial a significantly better latency performance than we observed with any alternative setup. This is really encouraging for our development work – and these findings are an important milestone on the path to delivering intelligent transport services for an autonomous mobility future.”
The GSMA is coordinating the execution and promotion of Telco Edge Cloud pre-commercial trials in 2021 in its new Foundry initiative. If you are interested in joining, please email us at [email protected].